

SEE exchanges views with young engineers attending COP28 in Dubai

The Secretary for Environment and Ecology, Mr Tse Chin-wan, yesterday (December 5, Dubai time) attended the reception in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates, organised by the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Dubai, the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) and the Hong Kong Climate Change Forum, and delivered a keynote speech on the decarbonisation strategies and progress in Hong Kong. Mr Tse and Ms Yan also visited the exhibition booths of park companies of the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation, including M Concept Studio and Neuron Digital, at the COP28. He was briefed by the exhibitors on various green technology. orginal and photo from : The Goverment...

COP 28 World Climate Summit

M Concept Studio Limited has been shortlisted as one of the start up exhibitors in the "COP 28 World Climate Summit" in Dubai this year! Visit us in Booth No. 52 at the COP 28 venue in Dubai Expo City from November 30 to December 6th! Photo credit: COP 28 facebook Stay tuned to our upcoming update!

初創研輻射代對流 慳中央空調電費

萬有概念工作室(M Concept Studio)董事長陳炎昌、助理經理汪俊亨表示,將輻射原理應用於調節室溫,在美國和歐洲已有30至40年。不過以往一直主要應用在暖氣系統,直至近8至10年,才開始應用在冷氣系統。以往是在天花板安裝暖板,提高室內溫度;近年是在天花板安裝冷凍板,來降低室內溫度。 原文: 初創研輻射代對流 慳中央空調電費 - 20230911 - 港聞 - 每日明報 - 明報新聞網 (


萬有概念工作室有限公司助理經理汪俊亨表示,開發高效能的室內環境控制系統以保障人們健康變得更加重要,期望可以將Flatcool Technology應用於其他建築範疇,如高效能數據中心、醫院及交通樞紐,以協助減少碳排放。 原文網址: | 香港01

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